Parent’s Corner

7 Simple Homework Tips (

  1. Be positive and upbeat about homework. Your child will pick up on your attitude, especially if it is negative.

  2. Review the assignments ahead of time so you understand the scope of the work. This will give you a better grasp of how much time the assignment requires.

  3. Remember that it is your job to encourage and motivate but not to do the actual work. During homework time, stay nearby and keep engaged in your own activity, such as working on a task in the kitchen. That way, your child will know that you are there in case they need help.

  4. Put a homework organization plan in place. Try setting up a designated homework spot in the house so your child can keep all homework related items in one location.

  5. Set a designated homework time. Some kids do well right after school; others need a break before they get down to business. Either way, keep the same time so it becomes a regular part of your child’s day.

  6. Recognize that just as each child has their own personality, so too do they each have their own approach to homework. Some children will need lots of help staying on task and prioritizing, while others will want their space and prefer to work independently.

  7. Reach out for help when you need to. Know how to get in touch with the teacher.

We’re off to a great School Year!